Monday, July 18, 2011

terribly wrong

Economics 101 or where did we go so terribly wrong

A serious talk as told by little every man (EM) and Little Man (LM)
LM: Did U decide to take that econ course, U were thinking about?

EM: yes…and it is a huge mistake…

LM: oh

EM: I attended the 1st class meeting last night over at Rainbow Rock..

LM: Yeah…the CC across town…

EM: they offer a bunch of sample courses …

LM: I remember…like a an open door chips-n-dips party…

EM: well…forget that…if U didn’t have time 2 swing over 2 in-and-out, dinner would be dispensed … cheese-crackers the cuisine of dreamers and slackers…

LM: and the class?

EM: right…couldn’t get near the door…U no the drill

LM: even 4, excuse me 4 saying, a sleep inducing pill like econ 101...

EM: I couldn’t believe it either…

LM: I guess it is, ‘the economy stupid…’

EM: no kidding

LM: I wasn’t

EM: right, …so

LM: go on…

EM: so, they circulated a “waiting” list…which everyone seemed to sign…

LM: yes

EM: everyone knows that ¾ of them will not return 4 the next meeting…

LM: which is when…?

EM: this coming Thurs…

LM: U going back?

EM: I don’t know…what do U think

But LM was focusing on the Drifters’ song, Get-a-job…
and EM’s question floated away on heavy air…

And, so, it came 2 pass…